Sublimetext for Mediawiki
· ☕ 13 min read · ✍️ River
The "Mediawiker" plugin makes Sublime the best IDE-like experience for editing wikis, particularly when one is primarily writing Scribunto/Lua modules. Here's how I've set up my environment.

My EMWCon 2020 Talks
· ☕ 2 min read · ✍️ River
At EMWCon 2020, I gave one talk and hosted two Create Camp sessions, discussing different aspects of usage of Cargo and Lua in MediaWiki.

Lua Hooks System
· ☕ 8 min read · ✍️ River
I document my system of using hooks in Scribunto before removing it from my wiki.

New Roster Changes
· ☕ 24 min read · ✍️ River
An overview of the process I used to create our single-source-of-truth roster change database tables on Leaguepedia.