Have you ever struggled to create Cargo tables to represent crafting in a video game? Have you ever wanted to harvest & craft resources in a game without needing to fight any enemies? Or do you really like MSPaint drawings?
If so, SORCERER (Super-Original Really Cool Example Roleplaying Emulator by River) might be for you! SORCERER is a web-based video game1 that comes with its own wiki, which you can use as a reference for your own wikis!
Here are all the related links:
- SORCERER the video game
- The SORCERER wiki
- The SORCERER repo (it’s written in React)
- Its item data json
- The sorcerer-update repo, which demonstrates using mwcleric to create & update pages2
- A video recording of me building the entire SORCERER wiki3
I hope you find this useful and fun!