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Book notes - OSTEP (part 2)

 ·  ☕ 9 min read

This post contains my notes on part 2 of Operating Systems: Three easy Pieces. See part 1 here and part 3 here.


Chapter 25 - A Dialogue on Concurrency

  • We need to coordinate access to memory between threads

Chapter 26 - Concurrency: An Introduction

  • A multi-threaded program has more than one point of execution: multiple PCs (program counters)
  • Each thread has its own private set of registers
  • Context switch when changing threads
    • Instead of Process control blocks (PCBs) we have Thread Control Blocks (TCBs), however Page Table is NOT swapped out
  • Multithreaded address space
    • One heap, multiple stacks
    • See page 288 for illustration
    • Stacks are called thread-local
  • Why use threads?
    • Parallelism
    • Avoid blocking progress due to slow I/O
    • Could indeed be separate processes, but that’s more overhead
  • The main thread is also a thread! So if you spawn 2 child threads, that’s 3 threads total!
  • See page 291 for a thread trace example
  • When we have shared data, we get race conditions due to the context switches, making our program indeterminate (and wrong), and the output not deterministic (and wrong)
  • Code containing race conditions is called a critical section
  • We need mutual exclusion for our critical sections
  • What we want is atomicity - the instruction sequence of the critical section must happen “as a unit”
  • Crux: What synchronization primitives do we need? What support do we need from hardware & OS?
  • Also, sometimes one thread has to wait for another!

Chapter 27 - Interlude: Thread API

  • A reference chapter
  • Use pthread_create to create a thread.
    • First argument is a pointer to the thread of type pthread_t, use it to interact with the thread
    • The second argument is some attributes, usually NULL for our purposes
    • Third argument is a function pointer - what function should the thread start running in?
    • Fourth argument is the args passed to the function
    • See page 305 for an example
  • pthread_join to wait for a thread to complete
    • First argument is the pointer to the thread from before
    • Second is a pointer to the value that you expect to get back
    • See page 306 for an example
  • Locks!
  • pthread_mutex_lock
  • pthread_mutext_unlock
  • They need to be initialized
  • Also you should check return codes!
  • Make wrappers for things that do these things!!
  • Condition variables! (Chapter 30)
  • pthread_cond_wait
    • Takes both a condition variable AND a lock
  • pthread_cond_signal
  • We always need to have a lock held when modifying ready and when sending a signal
  • wait releases the lock and assumes you had a lock because you need to
  • ALWAYS USE WHILE NOT IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Don’t just spin until ready == 1 without using condition variables:
    • Spinning wastes CPU cycles
    • It’s error-prone
    • Use condition variables!

Chapter 28 - Locks

  • We want atomicity!
  • The canonical example is incrementing a balance
  • Two states:
    • Available aka unlocked aka free (0 threads have it)
    • Acquired aka locked aka held (1 thread has it)
    • Note the data type could have other private information (what’s the queue like for who gets it next? which particular thread has it atm?) but the public information is binary
  • Mutex means mutual exclusion, this is the POSIX name for a lock
  • Note that our code samples use capital-P Pthread_mutex_lock etc implying wrappers that are doing all the good return-code-checking and initialization stuff for us. Yay!
  • We want to build a lock. What do we need to do?
    • The lock must work! i.e. provide mutual exclusion
    • It should be fair and not starve anyone
    • Performance - not have lots of time overheads. Three cases:
      • No contention
      • Contention (1 CPU)
      • Contention (many CPUs)
  • One attempt: Lock: disable all interrupts. Unlock: Re-enable interrupts. Holy shit YIKES!!!
    • Positive: Simplicity
    • Negative: YIKES!!!!!!! You need to trust
    • Negative: Does not work on multiprocessors
    • Negative: You can miss interrupts from I/O such as “disk finished read request”
    • Negative: Inefficient
    • However could be used in some OS code for accessing internal data structures - OS trusts itself
  • Next also failed attempt: Using one flag variable. Has a race condition (see page 320)
  • Yay we need hardware support
  • Test-and-set spin lock (aka “atomic exchange”)
    • Correct!
    • Not fair
    • Not great on 1 CPU, but ok on multiple CPUs
  • Compare-and-swap is more powerful than test-and-set in general, but in this context it’s identical
  • Load-Linked & Store-Conditional another option
  • Also Fetch-And-Add, which gives fairness
  • How to avoid spinning?
  • System call yield
  • In Solaris, we have a spin to acquire a guard lock, then we can park ourselves (and someone will unpark us). There’s also another system call called setpark to avoid a race condition involving being about to sleep.
  • Linux uses futex = fast userspace mutex with futex_wait and futex_wake. There are also two-phase locks: spin, then sleep (hybrid approach).

Chapter 29 - Lock-based Concurrent Data Structures

  • We need to make data structures thread-safe.
  • Start with counters
    • One option is just to wrap literally everything in the same lock
    • But this doesn’t scale well (see graph p.339)
    • Soooooooo we can have a global counter that lags behind “local” counters.
    • How many local counters? One per CPU
    • lol counting is hard
    • Code p.341
  • Linked lists, but only insert & lookup
    • Assume that malloc itself is thread safe
    • Could just put one lock around everything, but that doesn’t scale well, again
    • When dealing with concurrent code, having a single return path out of the function is a good idea
  • Queues
    • One lock for head (pop), one for tail (push)
  • Hash table
    • One lock per bucket/list, uses List_Init, List_Insert, List_Lookup from earlier
  • Don’t prematurely optimize!

Chapter 30 - Condition Variables

  • A thread may wish to check if a condition is true before execution
  • Could try using a shared variable but this is inefficient (see code sample page 352)
  • Two operations:
    • wait
    • signal
  • You wait, providing a condition variable plus a lock
  • They signal you, providing the condition variable
  • See page 353 for an example
  • Producer/consumer (bounded buffer) problem
  • Assume there’s exactly 1 space in the buffer
    • We need a while loop
    • And TWO condition variables to ensure we always alternate between consumer & producer
    • See p. 361 for correct solution
  • Mesa semantics - use while
  • Covering condition - pthread_cond_broadcast - use if you cannot wake up the correct thread and must wake up everyone (but usually this shouldn’t be necessary)

Chapter 31 - Semaphores

  • Dijkstra and colleagues invented these!
  • Two routines:
    • sem_wait - decrement the value by 1, wait if it’s negative
    • sem_post - increment the value by 1, wake a thread if there’s one waiting
    • (Also sem_init)
  • sem_init takes 3 args:
    • s - pointer to semaphore
    • 2nd param is always 0 unless we want it shared across different processes (we won’t do that here)
    • 3rd param is the initial value of the semaphore. This is very important!!!
  • When there are threads queued, the (negative) value of the semaphore = how many threads are waiting for it
  • Implementing a lock as a (binary) semaphore:
    • Initial value is 1 (surprise, it’s called binary)
    • One thread gets it for free, then the value is 0
    • So the others must wait
  • Making a parent wait for the child - initialize the semaphore with 0, see p. 371 for code
  • Producer/Consumer (Bounded Buffer) problem
    • Two semaphores, like there were two CVs (condition variables) before
    • Producer initialized with MAX
    • Consumer initialized with 0 (remember that sem_post can be called a lot of times and increase the value a bunch)
    • We need to be careful to add mutual exclusion, without introducing deadlock (we’ll talk about that more later)
  • Reader-writer locks
    • There can be one writer at a time but many readers
    • Big starvation problem
    • We could look at the number of writers in queue to avoid starvation
    • Code p. 377
  • The Dining Philosophers Problem
    • Five semaphores
    • We need to change the order of left & right for one of the philosophers to avoid deadlock
  • Building CVs out of semaphores is hard
  • Further reading: The Little Book of Semaphores

Chapter 32 - Common Concurrency Problems

  • Atomicity-Violation Bugs - need locks
  • Order-Violation Bugs - need condition variables
  • Deadlock Bugs - T1 has L1 & needs L2, while T2 has L2 & needs L1
  • Encapsulation can cause hidden deadlock (e.g. Java making vector addition thread-safe)
  • Conditions for deadlock - ALL of these must occur:
    • Mutual exclusion
    • Hold-and-wait - the threads hold resources (locks) while waiting for more
    • No preemption - these resources can’t be forcibly removed
    • Circular wait - there’s a cycle in the “needing” graph
  • Prevent any of the above, and you’re fine!
  • Circular wait - if you can make a total ordering or even a partial ordering on your lock acquisition you’re good.
    • Cute aside: Do it based on the address of the lock
  • Hold-and-wait - all of the locks could be acquired atomically. But this is a performance concern, and encapsulation makes this hard to do
  • No preemption - pthread_mutex.trylock() can try to acquire. One problem is livelock where two threads keep trying to compete for the same 2 locks, but we could solve this with random noise.
    • Concern: Freeing up resources that were dependent on the previous thread actually having the lock, like you malloc expecting to keep the lock then you lose the lock…well gg
  • Mutual exclusion - what if we wrote lock-free code? Remember compare-and-swap? That’s pretty useful.
  • What if we just try to avoid deadlocks by scheduling things nicely? This is hard to do but can work for embedded systems
  • Sometimes, “meh good enough” and just fail on occasion

Chapter 33 - Event-based Concurrency (Advanced)

  • Unlike chapter 10, I didn’t read this out of order
  • Threads are hard
  • Threads lack control
  • So what if we didn’t use threads?
  • Event-based concurrency - the event loop - see page 402 for the (short) pseudocode of an event loop
  • An event handler processes each event
  • select or poll system calls are available
  • Asynchronous interfaces return immediately after being called and are non-blocking; synchronous calls are blocking
  • Blocking system calls are a problem
  • We need asynchronous calls for everything - AIO control block provided by a MAC for async I/O
    • Very confusingly-named aio_error is used to find out if an aiocb is done
    • Having to poll is very resource-intensive
    • Some systems use interrupts with Unix signals to inform when a request is done instead of polling
  • State management is also tricky!
    • We need to do manual stack management
    • We use a continuation - record the result in a data structure indexed somehow. Then we can look up the continuation once it’s done.
  • When there’s multiple CPUs we do still need locks gg
  • Page faults still result in blocking - this is considered implicit blocking as opposed to explicit blocking
  • If APIs change from async to synchronous we’re screwed, so event-based servers can be fragile
  • async disk I/O never integrates with async network I/O as well as you’d want it to
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River is a developer most at home in MediaWiki and known for building Leaguepedia. She likes cats.

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